パリ編を書こうと思います^ ^

出発前日の夜中まで仕事をして、旅の準備は 朝方になりました(苦笑)

そこはパリ! 色鮮やかな街並み、洒落た洋服を纏った個性豊かな人たち、道路までもキラキラしていました。
先ずはスーパーマーケットに買い出しして♪ 明日から何処に行こうかな^ ^
凱旋門のシャンゼリゼ通りのオープンカフェに目が止まり ワクワクしながら赤いテーブルに座り、お腹もペコペコだったしフランス語も喋れないので、辺りを見回しながら美味しそうなランチに目が止まりました。

「僕はベルリンでチェロを弾いているよ。 ベルリンフィルハーモニーの音楽家だよ」

その11年後の43才、旦那さんと一緒に ベルリンに行った際、ハインツと再会することになるのです。 この旅は、音楽家、芸術家と出逢う旅のはじまりでもありました。 エッフェル塔、セーヌ川、ルーブル、モンマルトル、ベルサイユ宮殿、、、沢山沢山歩きながら沢山の方々に出逢い、美味しいものを食べ、観るもの全てに感動したパリの旅となりました。 次回は、画家のプレイボーイと出逢う(笑)ベルギー編を書こうと思っています。 こうして、2年間は好きなことだけをしよう!と決め、私が友人から社会人不適合者と呼ばれる時期に近づいていくのでありました。 (2021年5月31日掲載記事の再掲。『あ(明)ける。リレーエッセイ』より)
Bonjour! Today let me talk about my trip to Paris! While I was fully occupied with preparation for the exhibition, all I could do for my trip was to fix the day of departure. Having no time to go to the local travel agency, I had no idea what I was going to do in Paris. Very fortunately, however, one of my friends, who was also a designer, helped me organize my trip and, what is more, she kindly arranged an air ticket for me to go to Paris with her! What a relief! As you can imagine, it took me hours and hours to pack my suitcase, but finally with my suitcase, which was almost bursting at the seams, I got on board! And I fell in love with Paris instantly! Streets of colorful stores and houses, stylish and sophisticated people, even sidewalk looked sparkly. "Nobody knows me here! No phone calls or no jobs anymore!" I had an overwhelming sense of freedom. The first place I visited was Arc de triomphe de l'Étoile. I took a seat (a lovely red table!) at cafe on the Champs-Elysées; I was very hungry but I was not fluent in French, so I looked around to look for the dish that I would like to try myself and successfully told the Garçon "Can I have the same one?" through gestures and expressions. A lovely gentleman with a red sweater on was sitting at the next table; he looked just like Santa Claus. With his charming smile, he asked me "Where are you from?" "From Japan." I talked with him by using the words I knew and also with the help of some drawings. "Where are you from, sir?" "From Berlin. I am travelling by car. What do you do in Japan?" "Designing clothes! And you?" "I play the cello in Berlin. I am a musician of Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra. You are so unique. How about joining us and travelling with us, my dear?" "Thank you very much! But I am here with my friend and I'm afraid I can't go with you." "Keep on creating lovely clothes, OK?" "I will! I will create my clothes to bring happiness to people who will wear my dresses and it will make me happy!" With his arms wide open, he said "Best Wishes!" and disappeared in the crowd and who could have predicted that we could see each other again eleven years later! When I was 43 years old, I got a chance to visit Berlin with my husband and there I met him, Heinz, again, but that is another story. La tour Eiffel, la Seine, Musée du Louvre, Montmartre, Palais de Versailles...I walked, walked, walked and walked. I met numerous beautiful people and enjoyed lovely food and everything I saw in Paris touched my heart and these memories last forever. In my next essay, I am going to talk about my trip to Belgium, where I met a charming boy who was a painter! Please don't miss it! -- Miharu Toriyama (31, May 2021)